Clockwork » Clockwork Knight: Gekan - Retail Findings

Clockwork Knight: Gekan - Retail Findings

Action Game
Source: Clockwork Knight 2 (NTSC-J Ver.) - Title Screen (1995)

Sometimes during production of a game, concepts that were originally part of the game planning don’t make it to the final retail version. Why these concepts and ideas don’t make it to the final version of the game varies from game to game, but a lot of the time, time itself tends to be factor, and sometimes the idea just wasn’t as fun in practice as once thought, especially when playtested by people outside of the game dev team.

Sadly, most of the time such things are lost to time, and we’re left with simple Magazine screenshots, and if we’re really lucky, we’ll even have video evidence of such concepts (and if we’re VERY lucky, we’re either given official concept materials, or come across prototype builds). Sometimes though, things can actually be left over in the final retail version of a game (sometimes they are even left in the game as little easter eggs!), and it’s up to us fans to discover and document such findings. And so, on this page we’ll look at what we’ve managed to find inside the retail version of the second Clockwork Knight game.

Unused Music

Hint, Hint, Hint

Source: Clockwork Knight 2 - Sound Test (1995)

Much like the first Clockwork Knight game[1], there is a super funky song simply titled “Hint, Hint, Hint” that appears in the Sound Test of the second game, but it, again, doesn’t appear to be used anywhere in the game.
I feel this was simply a leftover from the first game, given that the second is built off the first, but it’s also possible that the idea was to actually use the song this time, and they just never got round to it. It’s simply unknown at this time.

Good Night

Source: Clockwork Knight 2 - Sound Test (1995)

This is a strange one. This song once again appears to be a leftover from the first game. It usually plays when you complete the first game in Easy/Training mode along with an image of Chelsea and Soltia, before encouraging the player to play the game in normal mode. Instead, completing the second Clockwork Knight game in Training mode will show the player a very short version of the cast of characters curtain call video before heading back to the title screen.[2]
Perhaps the original intention was to keep the same screens and music from the first Clockwork Knight game, and this was changed at some point during production and the song was just left in by accident.It’s simply unknown at this time.


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