Clockwork » Clockwork Knight: Joukan - Guide/Walktrough

Clockwork Knight: Joukan - Guide/Walktrough

On this pagee, you get to find out all the exclusive Cheats & Secrets contained within “Clockwork Knight: Pepperouchau no Fukubukuro”. As a quick note, apart from the cheats and secrets listed below, all standard cheat codes and tricks for Clockwork Knight and Clockwork Knight 2 work as normal for each game.

Clockwork Knight: Joukan - Guide/Walktrough
For Sega Saturn

Version 1.00

Created By Peter O’Hanlon (Tongara)

Created 2020.06.19
Last Updated 2020.06.25

Clockwork Knight: Joukan - Title Screen

Clockwork Knight: Joukan - Title Screen.


Sir Tongara de Pepperouchau III (”Pepper” for short) is a toy soldier. He is in love with the Clockwork Fairy Princess, Chelsea, whose voice wakes up the toys of the house every night at midnight. But he is clumsy and something of a laughingstock, especially when compared to his friendly rival Ginger who is also after Chelsea’s heart.

One night Chelsea is stolen away by an unknown force, which also hypnotizes some of the lesser toys to become fierce minions and stand in the way of anyone who would try to rescue her. If there’s no voice to wake them up anymore then the toys will never live again, so Pepper and Ginger head off to find Chelsea before it’s too late.

The Basics

The game is a 2.5D side-scrolling platformer. The goal is of course to get from one side of the stage to another, but sometimes that also includes going backwards and other alternate routes, but all aim to reach the end of the level, either via the Goal sign or through a hidden early exit. Below are some key things about the game to note:

Key Notes
Action Game
The player starts the game with a default 3 lives, which is written as “002” (000 counts as a final life).
Action Game
You start each stage with a time limit of 5 minuets (4 in hard mode), otherwise your time will run out, and you’ll lose a life, having to restart the level all over again. There are no Checkpoints.
Action Game
The player starts each stage with 3 gears visualised at the bottom left of the screen, with each gear representing the amount of hits you can take before you lose a life. The initial 3 gears can be extended to 5 by collecting Gold keys around stages.
Action Game
Each stage ends with a Goal sign, with a banner at the top of the screen featuring the word “CLOCKWORK”, with 1 letter missing. At the bottom of the screen, the word “CLOCKWORK” shifts to the left, 1 letter at a time. The player is able to take a running jump to try and hit the corresponding letter which is missing above. If the player manage to hit the correct letter, the player will recieve a 1-up. If the player fails to hit the correct letter, they recieve nothing.

Controls are pretty easy, just like any other 2D side-scrolling platform game (Think the original Sonic The Hedgehog or Super Mario games). Here is an explanation of what each button does:

Action Game
Pressing any of these will, of course, enable the player to move around.
Action Game Action Game
A/C Buttons
Pressing either of these allows the player to Jump.
Action Game
B Button
Pressing this button allows the player to attack enemies.
Action Game
L/R Shoulder Buttons
Pressing either of these during gameplay toggles the upper HUD display (Time left, Lives, Score, etc).
Action Game
Start Button
Pressing this during gameplay toggles the game between being paused and unpaused.

Using the above, there are a few things you can do, such as:

Action Game Picking Up/Throwing
icking up certain enemies is very easy, as you simply have to stun then, and then walk or run towards them while holding B (the attack button). The same thing can be done with certain objects, except you obviously don’t need to stun them first.
Action Game Run
Running is really simple, and even encouraged for certain parts of the game. To run, you simply quickly double tap and hold the direction button that you wish to go (left or right), and you can run to your hearts content.
Action Game Crouch
Pressing/Holding down on the D-Pad will allow the player to look down or even avoid certain attacks.
Action Game Look up
Same principle as above, but pressing up on the D-Pad instead will allow the player to look upwards.
Action Game Push Objects
To push objects, simply walk or run towards them, and keep pushing the direction button once you’ve made contact.
Action Game Pull Objects
To pull objects, simply walk or run towards them, press and hold B, than press the directional button of the opposite direction.

The game includes an options screen that can easily be accessed via the title screen. In here, of course, several options can be set:

Action Game Level
You can set the game difficulty using this option, with the levels being “Easy/Training*”, “Normal” or “Hard”.
* To note, Easy/Training mode ends before the final boss.
Action Game Player
You can set the lives of the player anywhere between 3 and 6 using this option.
Action Game Control
You can set the player controls using this option, but make sure to remember what you’ve set them to.

Pressing the R button in the Options screen will bring you to the Sound Test portion. You can do the following in this screen:

Action Game Sound
Using this option, you can set the sound of the game to be in Mono or Stereo.
Action Game BGM
Using this option, you can select a song and then press A to listen to it.
Action Game SE
Using this option, you can select a sound and then press A to listen it.

To get back to the main options screen, simply press the L button. Additionally, to exit the Options menu completely, simply press the B button.

Scattered throughout the levels of Clockwork Knight are the following items:

Action Game
Bronze Key
Picking up one of these will restore 1 Gear to the players health.
Action Game
Silver Key
Picking up one of these will restore all Gears of the players health, up to a maximum of 5.
Action Game
Gold Key
Picking up one of these will increase/restore the amount of Gears of the players health up to a maximum of 5. Picking up one after gaining 5 Gears of helalth will award the player with a 1-UP.
Action Game
Oneon Helmet
Picking up one of these will give the player a 1-UP.
Action Game
Garluch Helmet
Picking up one of these will give the player a 3-UP.
Action Game
Pa Zur Sphere
Picking up one of these will make the player invincible for a short amount of time.
Please note that you will still die if your crashed or fell to your death outside the screen.
Action Game
Pocket Watches
This clock icon adds 5 seconds to your time limit.
Action Game
Imperial Crown
You collect them in stages, they can be used in two ways;
1. If you have at least 20 Crowns you can continue when all your Tries end. Each continue cost 20.
2. You can play a bonus game called Soltia Roulette (see down section).

Soltian Roulette
After finishing the boss level of a room 1/2/3, the player can play the “Soltia’s Roulette” bonus stage with Soltia, Prunchau and Le Bon, as long as 20 Imperial Crowns were collected. The way it works is as follows:

Action Game Soltian Roulette - Bonus Stage
You can pay 5, 10 or 15 Crowns to join, the more you pay the more chances you get for wining. After the boxes stop spinning you get to open one box and see if you win. If you win you can try to double it by playing again without paying but if you lose you lose your prize.


This game has thirteen levels, four different rooms with two normal levels and one boss each, plus a final boss.

Betsy’s Room
We start off where the opening cutscene ends in a Bedroom seemingly belonging to the young girl of the household.

Action Game Betsy’s Room - Stage 1
From the start of the stage attack the enemy ahead of you, pick him and run throwing him at the next enemy. Pick the key ahead and the invincible Sphere. Now run crashing all the enemies ahead until you come to a falling toy houses. You can ether walk to them and step back as they shake and fall or simply run as fast as you can avoiding them. Now run forward getting the key and picking up the enemy near it. Now run forward and throw him at the coming enemies.

Run forward avoiding the pencils spikes by jumping on the cubes. Jump on the wooden platform and wait till it goes all the way up. Get all 5 Imperial Crowns than jump down and run forward passed the falling houses and to the end of the stage.

Action Game Betsy’s Room - Stage 2
Pick up the ball and throw it on the clock ahead, continue walking forward and two enemies will jump in. Kill one and throw the other on a nearby clock. Jump on one the first box after it fells than jump on the upper left platform getting all 7 Imperial Crowns, invincible Sphere and and picking up a spring. Place it under the giraffe getting the time bonuses. Run forward killing all enemies and avoiding the falling boxes until you come to a dead end with a box. Go near it and open it by pressing attack button repeatedly than jumping in it.Run forward avoiding the punches while getting the gold Key. Open the box and jump in it. Run forward crashing the clock ahead until you come to a set of pullable cubes. Pull them, get the invincible Sphere than run forward until you come to another set of pushable cubes.

Push them forward, jump on them and jump into the upper books. Run ahead getting the time bonuses avoiding the punches till you come to yet another set of moveable cubes. Push it ahead so the next book cant move and hurt you. Crash the clock and run to another cube with moving book ahead. Push it and run forward avoiding the next movable book. Run forward crashing the enemy ahead and into the stage's end.

Action Game Betsy’s Room - Dandy Bob
Wait until the gentleman toy comes near you and drop its hat, immediately jump to the other side and start attacking him until the hat jumps back on his head. The head will try to jump on you, avoid it and repeat . Now his head will pop up, attack it until it dies while watching the hat as it will also try to hit you. Great job next stop is Kevin's Room.

Kevin’s Room

Action Game Kevin’s Room - Stage 1
Run forward climbing up while crashing the enemies until you come to batter. Don't push it to its case, instead jump it and fall down into the hole ahead picking the helmet. Ignore the second battery as well and continue forward into the 3rd battery. This time push it in its case, jump on the button next to it and quickly jump on the nearby box. You can also jump up getting Imperial Crowns while its transferring you.

When you reach the other side continue until you come to another battery, push it and press the button. A bowling ball will clear all obstacles in your way until the last 2. Crash them and continue running forward and jumping to the next area. Continue your way crashing all enemies ahead until the stage ends.

Action Game Kevin’s Room - Stage 2
From the start of the stage push the battery to its case and jump on the trains button, your set for a ride. Stand at front and open the gate by using attack button. Now try not to fall of the train as you jump, crouch or crash any enemy ahead. When your in the part where the train goes beneath you, jump on the platform ahead of you and into the next train.

When the train stops under the next platform, make your way by jumping and going to the right side into yet another train. When the train reaches the ground jump of it and get inside the box ahead. Jump of it and continue to end the stage.

Action Game Kevin’s Room - Double Jetter
This boss is really easy, every time he drops two enemies than transform to a walking robot and try to attack you. Crash the two enemies he throw than keep attacking him. Repeat and after 15 hit he will be useless plastic. Feeling hungry? You better be because whey are going to the Kitchen!


Action Game Kitchen - Stage 1
Beware: the ground is slippery and will easily make you slide and fall so watch out. Run forward crashing all enemies ahead till you come to a red balancer, jump on it and enter the pipe by standing next to it and pressing up. Make your way ahead by crashing and watching obstacles especially the falling water and fire. When you come to white cube, push it and ride it till the end. Enter the next pipe. Run ahead and end the stage.
Action Game Kitchen - Stage 2
Run ahead into the pipe. Wait till the water goes down than carefully jump on the plate and into the next one watching the falling water. Jump on another flouting platform while crashing any enemy, wait and make sure its safe and clear than jump. Keep dong this until you reach the safe ground with a pipe, inter and end the stage.
Action Game Kitchen - Chef de Popot
As soon as he starts walking toward you it means his open to the attack, attack him once and he will slide backwards than forward and crash. Immediately run toward him and attack until his shell falls back on him. Now watch out of him trying to jump on you. Repeat until he goes down. Now into the final part.


Action Game Attic - Stage 1
Pickup the spring and place it on the wood ahead and jump to the upper right platform getting the Helmet ahead. Return and keep going forward crashing the enemies. Ahead are some spikes that you have to jump with enemies popping righton top of it so you have to carefully time your jump or just run like crazy.

After that will be a box, open it and hop in. Now there will be a new type of enemies. You cant hurt these guys and cant jump them with the spikes roof ahead but there is a way. Take some distance from them and keep jumping forwardand they will walk backwards, keep doing this till you come to the box. Jump on it and scare them away enough distance so you can open and hop it. A wall will come up and down, run as fast as you can crashing all enemies ahead and stop in the safe ground. Wait till it goes up again and run ahead.

Another type of enemies will appear, the exploding candles. Throw them on the wood ahead to destroy it getting the Imperial Crowns. Run ahead and another moving wall will appear followed by a wooden bridge with explosive candles. Watch out as they can destroy this bridge if they explode. When you come to another moving wall walk to the wooden box to the left of the Danger sign and press the attack button to get the invincible sphere. Run ahead crashing the enemies to end the stage

Action Game Attic - Stage 2
Run ahead into the pipe. Wait till the water goes down than carefully jump on the plate and into the next one watching the falling water. Jump on another flouting platform while crashing any enemy, wait and make sure its safe and clear than jump. Keep dong this until you reach the safe ground with a pipe, inter and end the stage.
Action Game Attic - Iron Kong X
The boss will fall down and try to jump on you. Attack him as he land and try not to stay in one place so he doesn't jump on you. After couple of jumps he will break the ground and you both will fall. Now his body will fly and try to hit you. Pick up the head and throw it at the big Square part (the one with X mark). Throw the head at it a couple of times while dodging his moves and he will explode.

Study Room

Action Game Crazy T.V - Final Boss
Its looks like its not over yet. This boss is a joke, all you have to do is hit one of his arms than a cup full of pencils will fall, stay near it or pull it so that his face hit it. After couple of hits he will go down.

And with that, you’ve sucessfully completed the first Clockwork Knight game!


Q: Was this game ported to anything else besides Saturn?

A: No, its Saturn Exclusive.

Q2: Is there a second part?

A2: Yes, Clockwork Knight 2.


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