Clockwork » Clockwork Knight: Gekan - Developer Messages Document

Clockwork Knight: Gekan - Developer Messages Document

Hiodden on the disc of the Japanese release for the second Clockwork Knight game was a special document known as “README.DOC”. This ancient .DOC file just so happened to contain messages from the people who worked on the game, as a special gift to people who bought it.

Sadly, as this was only part of the Japanese release of the game, it of course was only ever written in Japanese, and not much could properly be known from the document because of this. After talking about getting a translation done for years, and being let down a few times, I finaly managed to get one done in late 2020.

And so now, Clockwork proudly presents, the fully translated Developer messages from “Clockwork Knight: Pepperouchau no Daibouken Gekan”, for the first time anywhere ever!

Warning/Opening Message

Warning: Unauthorized reproduction of the text is strictly prohibited.

Clockwork Knight: Pepperouchau’s Great Adventure - Part 2
Staff Messages

Fukushima “YOSSAN” Yoshio’s Message

Thank you very much for purchasing Clockwork.
After years of working on arcade ports of certain AM2 titles and Panzer Dragoon without much anticipation, I’ve finally managed to complete the second volume. On the occasion of its completion, I would like to thank all the people who helped me with this project, and my wife and two daughters who never showed their frustration at my working on the holidays and wished me good luck. Thank you all so much.

Well, I can’t just write formal sentences, so I’d like to talk about something more casual.
Like Mr. Takeshita of Panzer, I’m from the AM (commercial) development department. I can’t thank him enough for all the advice he’s given me (he’s my senior, but we’re the same age). Thank you, Mr. Takeshita. I completely agree with his opinion of Saturn’s hardware, to the extent that I feel it’s too high-spec for consumer hardware. Naturally, it takes a lot of effort and time to master such a thing. That’s why I think that Saturn software will become even more powerful as we get more knowledgeable.

We’re planning to bring you even more excitement and hilarity in the next game, so please stay tuned.
Until we meet again. Bye.

Main Programmer: Fukushima “YOSSAN” Yoshio

Ooe Akira’s Message


Thank you, Ayumi, for giving me some pleasant time after work.

Thanks to you, stress was relieved, my heart full, my wallet empty, and some mornings I was dazzled with a headache and a hangover.

See you soon at the soldier’s bar again. And don’t get too distracted by someone other than your lover.


Ooe Akira

Matsuoka Yuuichi “YuichiM” ’s Message

I had to fix a program that someone else had written for debugging, and I was in a quagmire.

Battling intense sleepiness, I thought I shouldn’t have taken it on, but it was too late now. (cries)

Software: Matsuoka Yuuichi “YuichiM”

Katano “TEK” Tetsu’s Message

Development Postscript Ver. 1.01
There Will Be Bugs
Lyrics: Katano “TEK” Tetsu

There’s all the recent noise around on whether there are bugs or not
What camera movement and collision have in common: the more you fix, the more bugs you’ll get

My boss naturally has deep-rooted bugs
To the point that he pisses me off
I’m momentarily staggered by the checking squad’s bug report
But there’s one more chance!
I need a real break

There will be bugs, there certainly will, said the pale-faced Ooba
We’ll risk our necks, and this time for sure
We won’t give in, there’ll be no bugs, and we’ll stay unbeaten by public opinion

“What are we missing? What’s not good enough?”
We’ll try as hard as we can
But all we can choose is, in the end,
A sequel where nothing’s changed

If you stay in the office all the time, you will lose your judgment
And even if you think it’s a bug, you can’t debug it because your sleepiness will interfere with it

If it’s packed with polygons, collisions, etc…
It’s likely to break down in a second
If you find checking the balance to be difficult, it’ll be treated as a crappy game with bad controls from then on
But you were just being honest

Summer’s coming, someday it will come, and I wait with open arms
Taking the bugs out feels so nice
It’s like you’re unstoppable, unbreakable, and can do no wrong

The only people who would buy such a game from a bargain bin
Are your kind dad and best friend
That reminds me, this is also a sequel

There are bugs, there definitely are, and you can try your best but they’ll always be there
You may be afraid or annoyed
But they won’t go away, you won’t know the way, and you can’t take them out no more

“What are we missing? What’s not good enough?”
You can keep debugging
But all that remains is, in the end
Is a freeze bug nobody brought up

And still I’ll take out those bugs

I’ll take out my bugs for sure.

Tsukizaki Shinya’s Message

—— The Blood, Sweat and Tears Put Into Clockwork Knight’s Development: The Fighting Legend ——

Part 1

I’m on top of a skyscraper, blowing a cigarette as I watch the sunrise on the rooftop of a high-rise building, having finished a huge job.
I can hear the birds chirping. My mind, polluted by the city air, seems to have been cleansed a little bit. A few cars start to drive on the road. The day begins again. Might as well go to Fiji or something to freshen up before the next big job. Women and children are not my problem. Thousands of employees are with me. I will continue to fight for their happiness.

“Ack, I finally got the bug out.” I smoke a cigarette on the roof of the Haneda Ryoushin building. The sparrows are chirping. I’ve been up all night, and my sluggish heart murmurs, “Guess I won’t get to sleep yet again.” There are huge trucks on the road, as usual. So annoying. Might as well go home and get a change of clothes for tomorrow’s work. Ohhhh! Women! Women! Wooomennnn! I have nothing to protect. I have no money. Wishing for future happiness, I’ll keep working out the bugs by myself.

Part 2

Today, a female employee of mine came to me with a file. There was a note on the file. “I’d like to have dinner with you tonight.” …Same as always.
But now I don’t need a woman. I’m going to keep fighting for my people.

Today, the designer, Ms. Manabe (female), brought me a piece of paper with a memo on it. “Something something data, etc. etc.” …Same as always. She asked me to show her work.
I will continue to work for the designer.

Part 3

I came to Los Angeles on a business trip abroad. It’s nice to stay abroad once in a while. Relaxing in the bubbled bathtub will help me recover from the fatigue of my work. I have to get up early tomorrow as well. I’m going to fall into a deep sleep in my three-quarter bed.

I brought a week’s worth of sleepover sets to work. If I only stay at the office once in a while, I’ll be all the better for it… As I was taking a shower in the rather smelly shower room, I realized that I should have gone to the public bath earlier. I’ll have to get up again tomorrow.
Listening to the guy beside me snore on the bunk bed in the nap room, I still try to fall asleep.

**This story is all non-fiction.

Programmer: Tsukizaki Shinya

Inoue Yoshio’s Message

My name is Inoue, a graduate of the Human Creative School, who has previously appeared in magazines with such titles as “Representative Work Clockwork Knight” attached to me.
It’s a bit of an excuse, but I thought I told the interviewer that I was making the opening of Clockwork Knight or that I was in charge of the Clockwork Knight cinepack, but I ended up saying “the representative work, Clockwork Knight” as if it was my main event.
Thanks to that, I was able to gain some mental experience points from the project staff, especially from Mr. Fukushima, who told me that I should do it because it was my representative work, and I was grateful for their irresistible instructions.

Inoue Yoshio

Kawai Kenji’s Message

Even though I only helped to make the movies, the seniority system placed me at the top of the list for the staff roll, so I feel kinda guilty. I’ve been thinking that I need to learn more English in order to bond with the domestic ducks, and that’s what I’m doing now.

Kawai Kenji

Fujishita “Hide” Hideto’s Message


#ifdef COMMENT

This is Fujishita, the programmer of mob enemies.

Part 2 is my debut work. I tried my best to make the enemies neither absurdly strong or cool, but ones that will make you laugh. What do you think?

The enemies introduced in Part 2 are different from Part 1, as they get angry when a player overtakes them, they only push the player and can’t do any damage, and they keep sleeping unless the player is quite close to them.
Of course, all of them are too weak and will die within a moment… (^_^;)

If you think such enemies are boring, please send us your comments and suggestions. You can write on a postcard or on the Nifty forums. It will surely be reflected in future SEGA games.

I look forward to seeing you all again.
So, that’s it!

Who defined “COMMENT” in the compiler options?
There’s an error in the preprocessor!

Praying for my father’s recovery while he’s recuperating from an illness

Fujishita “Hide” Hideto



Hotta “Maro” Yasumaro’s Message

Hello, everyone. My name is MARO, a natural genius (disaster?) and beauty programmer for the second year.
This time, I was in charge of the bosses and the enemies.

Looking back, at the beginning of April, just as I was planning to relax for a while after finishing my previous project (As*al), I was asked to help with this “Clockwork Knight Part 2”, which kept me very busy with no rest during the Golden Week. The large amount of games that I intended to play after the project was completed has been buried in my room without being played. So, this time I’d like to take a rest and refresh myself. (Will I really be able to take a break?)

But still, what game will I make next? This time, I’d like to make an RPG, which I’ve wanted to make since I joined the company. Or maybe I could make a pretty girl game, which is very popular these days, but I don’t know if that’s possible because of Sega’s image, though since they are making “BLUE SE*D” and “Ray*arth”, I don’t think it’s entirely out of the question. Well, let’s not give up hope.

I don’t know what I’m going to share with you next, but personally, I want to make a game that will leave you with a lasting impression after finishing it. See you in the next game.

2nd Year Genius Beauty Programmer: Hotta “Maro” Yasumaro

Nishiyama Norihiro’s Message

Tongara and co. before the adventure unfolded…
There’s no “if” in this world, but if Chelsea hadn’t been kidnapped, if Tongara hadn’t been in the game, and if I hadn’t been involved in Clockwork Knight…
I’ve been thinking about those kinds of things lately.
Setting myself aside, I’ll tell you about the success of Tongara and co. at some other time.

Nishiyama Norihiro

Manabe Namie’s Message

I had to go through extremely stressful tasks to create a game that was not stressful for the player.

I became a regular at Takarayu baths, and the cat forgot me.

But when I was making ducks, turtles and frogs, I didn’t feel any stress at all.

It’s in the past now, so I gotta start thinking about what to do next, right?

The Demon of Z-Sorting: Manabe Namie

Miura Takehiko’s Message

Teddy Juuzou throws out my glasses.
Oh, it’s already around midnight.
And so the night of clockwork dawns.
…Yeah, right.

The Sleeping Reggae: Miura Takehiko

Ogata Osamu’s Message

I’m Ogata, the one in charge of backgrounds. Right after the end of my last project (the prequel, obviously), I had various misfortunes (food poisoning from eating raw oysters, getting hit and run by a Sony employee while waiting for the traffic light, etc…), so I hope it won’t be like that this time. My body is weak enough as it is.

Ogata Osamu

Endou Tomozou’s Message

It’s all an i-l-l-u-s-i-o-n.
But don’t let the world created by Tongara and co.’s dreams end in a mirage…

…Will Chelsea get stolen away again?
That is also an i-l-l-u-s-i-o-n.

Whale Phantom: Endou Tomozou

Itou Tomoyuki’s Message

Whew! It’s over! Now let’s go for a drink together!

By the way, did you know that each of the TRAINING, NORMAL, and HARD modes has a slightly different ending…? Especially in “HARD” mode, the enemies that appear are completely different and the bosses have special moves, so if you haven’t tried it yet, please play it.
In the meantime, try spinning all the playing cards in all the stages! Good things will happen. Now, and this is a secret… There’s a legendary key hidden somewhere in the clock tower… actually, there is an event of that sort… When you find the “legendary key”, Tongara’s wind-up key on the back will turn gold. Check the effect for yourself.
Finally, Famitsu editor-in-chief Hamamura and Nakayama Hiroko, a TV personality, are hiding somewhere.
The messages will make you laugh, so please look for them. By the way, Nakayama Hiroko is hiding in the “TRAINING” and “NORMAL” modes, and editor-in-chief Hamamura is hiding in the “HARD” mode.

Please keep watching over Tongara!

Itou Tomoyuki

Satou Katsuhisa’s Message

Thank you for purchasing Clockwork Knight: Pepperouchau’s Great Adventure - Part 2. We did our very best to inspect this product, but if there are any bugs or graphical errors, please laugh at us.
Also, we are always accepting rave reviews and fan letters to the developers, so don’t hesitate to send the “Clockwork Knight is awesome”-type messages to the team. (Lying)

Visual Coordination: Satou Katsuhisa

Yoshida Yuusuke’s Message

The end is just around the corner. I’m feeling intensely sleepy. Still, I keep adjusting the bosses’ attack pattern. It’s the last stab that counts.
I’m glad we were able to challenge ourselves and experiment in various ways with parts 1 and 2 of the game. I’m starting to think about what we’ll do next time, based on this. But for now, I want to go home and sleep.
See you soon.

Yoshida Yuusuke

Murasaki Hirofumi’s Message

“Kae, oh Kae, your dad made this melody for you.”

by Murasaki Hirofumi (Written by Manabe on his behalf)

Ooba Noriyoshi’s Message

To our users

I hope you have enjoyed Clockwork Knight: Pepperouchau’s Great Adventure - Part 2. If you play it alongside Part 1, you will enjoy the storyline and the composition of the CG movies even more.
In terms of difficulty, I tried to make both parts of the game so that anyone can clear it, but without sacrificing the fun of an action game.
In the survey for Part 1, about 80% of the respondents said they completed the game, although the sample size was small. For an action game, that’s a pretty good clearance rate. I think it’s a fair success.
The difficulty level of Part 2 is slightly higher, but I think players who have already completed Part 1, or who started with Part 1, should be able to clear the game without any problems.
Even so, there are probably people (maybe 20%, hahaha…) who can’t clear the game because it’s an action game. For those people, we’ve prepared shortcuts to skip the hard parts, hidden goals, and legendary wind-up keys that increase your max health value.
For those who still can’t beat it, we’ve also included hidden commands such as level select, 999 lives, and jumping to the ending right away.
Hopefully, all users will finish the game on their own. When you do, the CG movie of the ending will add to the sense of accomplishment you feel when you finish the game.


On behalf of the Clockwork Knight team, I would like to thank everyone who helped with the production of “Clockwork Knight: Pepperouchau’s Great Adventure - Part 2” from the bottom of my heart.
In particular, I would like to thank Mr. Sahara of TV Magazine for the illustration contest, and Mr. Kondou of Sega Saturn Magazine for his help in soliciting ideas for traps.
I would also like to thank Mr. Horio of Polygram and the rest of the staff for their cooperation in the production of the music CD, even though we were unable to put their names on the staff roll.

Finally, I’d like to thank my team members for making it all happen in such a short period of time.

July 1995
Producer: Ooba Noriyoshi

Translation Credits

A big thank you to Windii for providing their translation services for this one at a very good cost.

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